UPDB application

UPDB is an open database of unexplained phenomena (UFO/UAP) reports (https://updb.app/).

The Data Base contains information about UFO/UAP that was collected by the following bodies:

NUFORC (137,984)

Scraped and parsed by Publius from nuforc.org.

MUFON (97,361)

Scraped and parsed by Publius from mufoncms.com.

UFODNA (38,269)

Scraped and parsed by Publius from Internet Archive mirror of ufodna.com.

BLUEBOOK (14,035)

Downloaded from phenomAInon on 2022-05-08, case details parsed by Publius.

NICAP (5,841)

List imported from https://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf . Individual case details parsed from nicap.org mirror scraped by Publius.

UKTNA (2,837)

Downloaded from phenomAInon on 2022-05-08, case details parsed by Publius.

NIDS (1,472)

Downloaded from phenomAInon on 2022-05-08, case details parsed by Publius.


Downloaded from phenomAInon on 2022-05-08, case details parsed by Publius.


Downloaded from phenomAInon on 2022-05-08, case details parsed by Publius.


Downloaded from phenomAInon on 2022-05-08, case details parsed by Publius.

PILOTS (481)

Downloaded from phenomAInon on 2022-05-08, case details parsed by Publius.

BAASS (44)

Downloaded from phenomAInon on 2022-05-08, case details parsed by Publius.

The accuracy or truthfulness of any reports contained in the base was not checked. The only criterion for a report to be included in UPDB is that it's been listed in a public UAP/UFO database. UPDB does not contain any exclusive, private, or classified data. 

More details about UPDB and a search tool can be found in its website, https://updb.app/.